Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook

19th Edition, 2008

Chapter VII: UWS and UWRF Policies

7.16 Non-Owned Property On Campus

Normally, anyone having personal property on campus or property used in projects off campus is expected to provide his or her own insurance coverage on such property.

7.16.1 Employee Property

Under specific situations or circumstances, the University will accept responsibility of a limited nature for the equipment while it is in the University's care, on University premises or being used exclusively on University business at the time. "Limited nature" means coverage and conditions would be similar to that which the University obtains for its own property of like kind.

7.16.2 Non-Employee Owned Property

Property from outside organizations usually has specific requirements regarding the University's responsibility for the equipment. If a formal lease or contract is not in effect or if the requirements for responsibility are not specific, the University may accept responsibility for the items on loan or lease. Contact the Risk Management Department for further information as needed.

7.16.3 Direct Payment of Personal Property Losses from Department Funds

Individuals, both employees and non-employees, occasionally experience property losses or damage to personal property and clothing while in the performance of official duties or while personal property is in the custody of the University of Wisconsin and its employees. It is necessary to delineate the policy and procedures by which an individual may be reimbursed when the loss or damage is not covered by insurance. Approved claim payments may now be charged to departmental funds. When damage to personal property of others occurs for which the University of Wisconsin is responsible and for which no coverage is available, University departments may authorize the individual to submit a claim against departmental funds for reimbursement of the damage or loss. Contact the Risk Management Department for further information as needed.