Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook

19th Edition, 2008

Chapter II: Administrative Organization

2.6 Administrative Committees

2.6.1 Audit and Review Committee

The Audit and Review Committee is comprised of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Deans of the Colleges of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, Arts and Sciences, Business and Economics, and Education and Professional Studies; one faculty member representing the University Planning Group; and five faculty members appointed for three-year terms by the Faculty Senate: one from the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, two from the College of Arts and Sciences, one from the College of Business and Economics, and one from the College of Education and Professional Studies. Two students serve as appointed by the Student Senate for two-year terms.

The Audit and Review Committee is the evaluative body for 7-year program audit and reviews (see http://www.uwsa.edu/acss/acis/) During the Spring Semester, the department with the program being reviewed submits its self-study document, along with the external reviewer’s report, to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The report is sent to the Audit and Review Committee by March 21 The Audit and Review Committee then schedules and carries out a departmental visitation. Finally, the committee prepares a report and submits it, with recommendations, to the Provost by June 1.

2.6.2 Faculty/Academic Staff Development Board Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Faculty/Academic Staff Development Board (FASDB) at UWRF to directly promote the effectiveness of faculty and academic staff with respect to teaching, professional development, and research. This involves the provision of adequate funding and time to faculty and academic staff to pursue activities related to instructional and organizational development, community, and societal service as well as basic and applied research endeavors. Such activities are intended to have a direct impact on the career satisfaction of faculty/academic staff and in turn, positively affect student learning.

Key issues regarding funding, identifying new resources and maintaining existing ones, selecting and evaluating faculty/academic staff-initiated projects and providing ongoing support and mentoring will be within the scope of the FASDB. In this manner the FASDB seeks to identify and coordinate previously separate programs and resources for faculty and academic staff development into a single comprehensive effort. At the same time the FASDB seeks to maintain the variety of opportunities for faculty/academic staff development.

Issues for faculty/academic staff development include the following:

  • developing innovations in curriculum and instruction
  • responding to community and societal needs through increased service activities
  • engaging in research activities that contribute to academic disciplines and student learning
  • understanding the increased role of technology and its potential impact on instruction and learning
  • adapting instructional methods to changing student populations and needs
  • conducting research with respect to new paradigms for teaching, and learning
  • responding to needs for continued efforts to improve retention of new faculty/academic staff in addition to retention and graduation of students
  • understanding the needs for continued development of diversity in our faculty/academic staff and student population.
  • responding to the need to expand the traditional organization of higher education to include support for school-to-work efforts including cooperative education, internships, and team training
  • supporting the pursuit of opportunities for external funding
  • supporting travel for faculty and academic staff development Administration of the Program

The UWRF Faculty/Academic Staff Development Program is administered by the Faculty/Staff Development Board (FASDB), which consists of the following:

  • seven tenured faculty members appointed by the UWRF Faculty Senate for a term of six years
  • two academic staff members appointed by the Academic Staff Council, each for a sixyear term

The Assistant to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the Director of Grants and Research (both non-voting)

The full Board will elect its chair at the first scheduled meeting. Chair terms will be two years. Chairs may be re-elected for no more than two additional terms of office.

Day-to-day operations of the Board will be conducted by the Operations Committee, consisting of the Assistant to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the chair of the FASDB, and two other Board members. At least two of the four members of the Operations Committee must hold faculty status.

The Board will subdivide itself into five committees: a Teaching Committee, a Research Committee, a Faculty Professional Development Committee (each with at least three faculty members), an Academic Staff Professional Development Committee (with two academic staff members), and a University-wide Initiatives Committee. Responsibilities of the Board

  • promotes, fosters, and supports faculty and academic staff development on the UWRF campus
  • makes decisions regarding the allocation of the Faculty/Academic staff professional development awards and informs Faculty Senate, Academic Staff Council and Provost and Vice Chancellor of those decisions
  • monitors Faculty/Academic Staff Development Program budgets and administration procedures
  • submits requests for changes in Faculty/Academic Staff Development Program policy to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for referral to the appropriate Faculty Senate Committee [FS 06/07 #69]
  • organizes Faculty/Academic Staff Development Program evaluation efforts
  • determines membership and oversees operation of the five standing committees
  • solicits additional reviewers from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the Academic Staff Council to assist in the evaluation of proposals as appropriate
  • serves as liaison with UW-System Undergraduate Teaching Improvement Council
  • oversees the UWRF mentoring program Committee Responsibilities

Each of the Board's five committees is responsible for a particular facet of faculty/academic staff
development at UWRF. Within their realms of responsibility they will:

  • support and encourage development efforts
  • pursue additional funding from UWRF, UW System, and other sources
  • award available funds to faculty and academic staff.

Most funds will be awarded through a competitive grants process. The Board intends that these various awards will be made solely on the basis of the merits of the proposals, not on the departmental or collegiate homes of the proposers. Teaching Committee

The Teaching Committee supports the efforts of faculty and academic staff to improve their teaching. Proposals may focus on methods or delivery of instruction or acquisition of knowledge related to one's teaching responsibilities. The Teaching Committee is responsible for:

  • retraining and renewal grants (in consultation with Deans)
  • improvement of classroom instruction grants
  • recruitment and retention funds (in consultation with Deans)
  • UWRF participation in UW-System Faculty College and Teaching Fellows programs
  • Regents Teaching Excellence awards for individuals and departments
  • UWRF proposals to the Office of Professional and Instructional Development (OPID) Program
  • OPID Conference Grants
  • Mini-technology grants. Research Committee

The Research Committee supports research projects of faculty and academic staff in all
disciplines. It is responsible for:

  • Faculty Research grants
  • incentive grants (funds for travel and/or reassigned time to allow faculty/academic staff to write grant proposals) Faculty Professional Development Committee

The Faculty Professional Development Committee supports activities designed to help faculty advance themselves in their professions. It is responsible for:

  • Sabbatical leaves
  • Administrative Internships for Women
  • Faculty Professional Development Grants
  • End-of-year grants Academic Staff Professional Development Committee

The Academic Staff Professional Development Committee supports activities designed to enable individual professional development, improve program quality, and enhance institutional effectiveness.

This committee is responsible for Academic Staff Professional Development grants. University-wide Initiatives Committee

The University-wide Initiatives Committee supports faculty and academic staff as they engage in activities which will affect large numbers of UWRF faculty and staff. It is responsible for:

  • UW-System Institutional Enhancement grants
  • on-campus faculty development events, e.g., workshops during fall and spring semester administrative days
  • UW-System Race and Ethnicity grants
  • UWRF Foundation grants (in consultation with the foundation)

2.6.3 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee consists of representatives from departments using animals as research subjects, from the Laboratory Farms, the University's consulting veterinarian, and a member of the community who is not employed by UW-River Falls. The Director of Grants and Research serves ex officio as secretary. Faculty, staff, or students who are conducting research involving animals must obtain the approval of this Committee before they begin their research. Contact the Director of Grants and Research for research protocol forms. For forms and for details of the UWRF animal care and use policy, see:


2.6.4 Institutional Competition Committee

The Institutional Competition Committee is comprised of the Director of Purchasing Services (Chair), representation from faculty, academic staff, and students, and several community representatives. The Committee is not to exceed nine members. The Institutional Competition Committee's charge, as established in Board of Regents Policy 12-1 (formerly 89-1), is to examine issues when the institution is involved in new activities which might compete with private sector businesses and to review any on-going activities whose appropriateness has been questioned. Following a review of these issues the Committee will recommend to the Chancellor a course of action to address these concerns.


2.6.5 Institutional Review Board/Human Subjects Committee

The Institutional Review Board/Human Subjects Committee consists of representatives from departments which use human subjects in their research, an ethicist, and a member of the community who is not employed by the University. The Director of Grants and Research serves ex officio as secretary to the Committee. Any faculty, staff, or students who are conducting any sort of research using human subjects--including in- or out-of-class surveys, observations or experiments--must have their research approved by this Committee. Contact the director of Grants and Research for the appropriate forms and procedures. Most research at UW-River Falls is exempt from review by the complete Committee, but must be reviewed by the secretary of the


2.6.6 Long-range Planning Committee Membership

The Long-range Planning Committee is comprised of

  • Chancellor
  • Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
  • Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
  • Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences
  • Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
  • Dean of the College of Business and Economics
  • Dean of the College of Education and Professional Studies
  • Special Assistant to the Chancellor
  • Chair of Faculty Senate
  • Faculty Senate representative from the College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences
  • Faculty Senate representative from the College of Arts and Sciences
  • Faculty Senate representative from the College of Business and Economics
  • Faculty Senate representative from the College of Education and Professional Studies
  • Faculty Senate representative at-large
  • representative from Academic Staff Council
  • representative from classified staff
  • representatives from Student Senate (2)
  • Director of the Library
  • Assistant Chancellor for University Advancement
  • Director of Information Technology Services
  • Director of Facilities Management
  • an alumni representative
  • a community representative. Duties

The charge to the Committee is:

  • to annually review the status of the University's long-range plan and determine the need for a new 5-year long-range plan or the need to revise the existing 5-year long-range plan by adding or revising strategic goals, objectives, and actions to the existing plan.
  • When the need is determined, to develop a new 5-year long-range plan for the University based upon:
    • a thorough review of the University's existing mission
    • a review and evaluation of previously identified and implemented strategic goals, objectives, and actions
    • a summary analysis of the institution's performance (effectiveness and efficiency) in key academic and support areas, including summaries of student satisfaction, and employee quality of work life
    • a scan of the institution's external environment including the identification of key demographic factors and trends in the institution's service region and beyond that have implications for institutional success
    • a review of current and future trends in higher education in Wisconsin, our service region, the nation, and the world
    • a review of recent mandates, directives, or new policies from the UW Board of Regents and/or the UW-System administration that impact the University
    • an analysis of the institution's existing resource base and projections for the future
    • a combined (SWOT) analysis of the institution's strengths and weaknesses with special attention given the opportunities and threats that lie ahead for the University given information from the environmental scan, resource analysis, review of educational trends, and the profile of institutional effectiveness
  • The new 5-year long-range plan should include: a list of recommended strategic goals, objectives, and actions designed to enhance institutional effectiveness and success into the future; suggested revisions in the University mission, vision, or values statements.
  • When the need is determined, to revise the existing long-range plan based upon: a review and evaluation of previously identified and implemented strategic planning actions, goals, and objectives; a summary of key changes in the University's external environment; a summary of institutional effectiveness and accountability indicators.
  • Revisions in the existing, long-range plan should include: revisions to previously recommended strategic goals, objectives, or actions; addition of newly identified strategic goals, objectives, and actions to the existing long-range plan.
  • The Committee is to recommend to the Chancellor either a newly developed 5-year long-range plan or revisions to the existing 5-year long-range plan based upon the Committee's analysis and subsequent decisions.

2.6.6. Re-classification Committee

The Re-classification Committee's purpose is to review all requests for re-classification from 'classified' to 'academic staff' or from 'academic staff' to 'classified'. After the review, the Committee will submit its recommendation regarding the request to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The Committee is comprised of the Special Assistant to the Chancellor, who will act as the Committee's Chair; the Chairs of the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee and the Academic Staff Council; the Director of Human Resources; and the Assistant to the Chancellor for Equity, Compliance, and Affirmative Action.

2.6.7. Space Management and Facilities Planning Committee Membership

The Space Management and Facilities Planning Committee is comprised of:

· Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance (Chair)
· Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
· Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
· Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
· Dean of the College of Business and Economics
· Dean of the College of Education and Professional Studies
· Budget Director (or designee) representing Student Life Facilities
· Campus Planner
· Director of Facilities Management Rationale

Physical space on campus is a resource provided by the State of Wisconsin and the Board of Regents to accommodate a clearly defined and justified mission of this University. As a resource representing a major investment of tax dollars and supplemental funds, available space must be effectively utilized. Thus the provision and maintenance of the necessary physical space requires long-term planning, periodic review and analysis, and a continual, organized, and operational space management function.

Inter-related with the function of Space Management is the determination of physical space needs. Once such needs are determined and documented, they provide a basis for the evolution of the Campus Development Plan, Space Use Plan, Six-Year Plans, improvement projects, or the assessment of proposed improvements, including minor renovations, conversions, remodeling, or construction of new facilities. The scope of the facility development activity dictates the need for a systematic approach with input from all involved parties. Duties

· Periodically during the course of an academic year, the Committee will meet to discuss
space requests and space management issues that have long-range implications or that
may require improvement projects.
· Annually, the Committee will review instructional facility utilization and recommend
corrective actions to the Chancellor accordingly. These actions will be incorporated in the
next year's course scheduling.
· Bi-annually, the Committee will play a critical role in helping to determine the
University's priorities for space use and building projects. Members will provide to the
whole Committee, through the Chair, a list of planning issues that have space
implications for their respective units. The Committee will discuss and review space
planning and infrastructure issues and develop a prioritized list of issues for consideration
by the Chancellor. Subsequent to the issues list submittal to UW-System Administration,
the Committee will work with UW-System and/or Division of Facilities Development
staff in evaluating space planning issues, defining alternative issue solutions, and helping
to select appropriate solutions in the form of physical improvement projects Reporting

The Committee will review all campus space plans and development plans and submit review
comments back to the Campus Planner. Revised plans will be forwarded to the Chancellor for
consideration and approval.

2.6.8. University Planning Group Charge to the Committee

1. Review progress of the Strategic Plan
2. Communicate progress
3. Monitor progress
4. Facilitate the Strategic Plan Membership

Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Services
Budget Officer
Assessment Coordinator

Faculty Senate Representatives, Academic Staff Representatives, Student Senate
(Excluding the Chair of the University planning group, 50 per cent of
membership of the UPG will be appointed by the Faculty Senate. [FS 06/07 #91])

Faculty Representatives:
CAFES (2), CBE (2), COEPS (1), CAS (4)

One Academic Staff Representative

Student Senate President Steering Committee

A 6-person Steering Committee consists of three members appointed by Faculty Senate and three members appointed by the Provost with recommendations from the administrative membership. Members serve a one-year term that can be extended without limit. Functions of the Steering Committee

1. Determine the agenda for the UPG.
2. How and in what ways the UPG should focus its attention.
3. How and in what ways to move the Strategic Plan forward

2.6.9. Former Administrative Committees Calendar Committee
Moved to Chapter III, FS 06/07 #42 Commission on the Status of Women
Subsumed into Diversity Committee, FS 06/07 #40 Disability Advisory Committee
Moved to Chapter III, FS 06/07 #34 Enrollment Management Committee
Functions taken over by Recruitment, Admissions and Retention Committee Long-range Planning Committee University Budget Committee
Functions taken over by new budget process: Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook Chapter I, 1.9. University Committee on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Concerns
Subsumed into Diversity Committee FS 06/07 #40